Boundaries Within Your Relationship - Ep. 123 (Boundaries Series)

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Have you ever created or expressed boundaries in your marriage? If not, learning how to create and set boundaries within your relationship may be the key to keeping it healthy. On today’s episode, we discuss setting boundaries around time, space, and decision-making. Here are the questions posed throughout the episode to discuss within your relationship:

Time: How do you each prefer to spend your time? Are you and your spouse making it a priority to get the time and space you need to recharge and refuel so that you can be your best for those around you? If not, how can you work together to create some boundaries around your time that lead to mutual happiness in your marriage? 

Space: How much space do you desire to have in the morning? After work? After a full day with the kids? During conflict? What’s a reasonable boundary you two could set in each of these areas, given your current stage and season of life?

Decision-Making: To what degree do you listen to and consider your spouse in the decision-making process? To what degree do you assert your needs, wants, and desires in the decision-making process? What is your partner’s perspective? How can you each set a boundary that better includes the both of you in the decision-making process?

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Thanks to John Tibbs for the amazing music each week, Evan Duszynski for podcast editing, & you listener, for tuning each week to make your marriage even better. May God be glorified in you and through your marriage.